Monday, 8 April 2013

CRC Platform 2 - Update

Anyone who has visited the Racecourse Station recently will have seen the new foundation ready for rebuilding Platform 2. This work was done very quickly so as to be completed before our running season as we did not want to risk running locos past a long open trench for obvious reasons! The very wet weather caused us major headaches and only with the help of a very hard working contractor and the support of the Racecourse Manager were we able to complete the job - the day before we started running and only just before the Gold Cup week. My appreciation goes to both for helping to make this possible.We had to employ a contractor for the foundation work because this was the only way to have it completed in the short time-slot available and this was only possible because of a legacy and a grant from Cheltenham Council.

Now the remainder of the work is in the hands of volunteers and any other support we can muster. We have been offered bricklaying support by a team from the Cheltenham Campus of Gloucester College - initial indications are that they are flexible in working days but are limited to Mondays to Fridays in term times. I am looking for some volunteers who can come along one or two days a week to give back-up and support to this bricklaying team. This could be quite interesting as, in addition to making the most of the quiet Mondays (and Thursdays in April/May), we must also work on operating days to ensure reasonable progress. If you are able to come along and help out on any midweek days, please let me know as I am trying to pick the best days (preferably a block of two consecutive days for better efficiency - Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday).

Currently I am sourcing a small site office and a secure material store -each can only be small as they both must go at the signal box end of the platform 2 area - any ideas? We are also sourcing plant and materials in readiness for an early start. Progress depends on your support - please get in touch.

Alan Bielby


  1. The signal box at CRC is not very GW in appearance. What will this new platform look like? Was it always policy to let the CRC station not emulate the work being done at Broadway? I could understand that, just wanted to ask.

  2. Toddington Ted9 April 2013 at 10:16

    It will look like a station platform I guess. Really Howard, do try and keep up!

  3. It won't be the kind of concrete affair Network Rail have adopted, it'll be built of brick and should look authentic enough. And generally our visitors come and pay to ride on trains, not to study details of the architecture.

  4. I meant with the correct bricks and stuff. IIRC the signal box (unless that is authentic) has yellow bricks.

    Sorry if I am dim.

  5. The platform will be built to give as traditional appearance as possible with a blue brick facing and coping stones to match platform 1. Most of the materials are already stacked at the back of the platform but note that the red bricks will not be visible as they are merely backing bricks to achieve the correct depth of wall. We do need more coping stones so let me know if you are aware of any that could be acquired - but not too far away as transport is expensive - and not on Network Rail property where a trak possession would be needed to gain access!

    Alan Bielby

  6. Thanks Alan. I was a little surprised at the reaction of the OP at 11 30 9/4. If the visitors don't come for admiring the recreation of the Edwardian architecture, (including also the trains), what are we preservationists doing it for?

    Alan, I already support the Broadway project in a modest financial way, but wish you all the best with CRC. Howard
