The usual comment "you are quiet on the Blog" hit me several times yesterday so if its of interest...
I spent nearly 10 hours on Monday working to satisfy demands to obtain the Verification Certificate required under Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 before the Bridges to Broadway share offer can proceed. It arrived at 5.50 pm
As a result the Offer will be launched on 30th September on the bridge at Broadway Station. We hope that tv, radio and press will be in attendance to maximise on publicity. There will be colour adverts in two of the railway magazines to add to this and we hope for a feature article.
All shareholders holding £99+ worth of shares and all GWRT members who are not shareholders will receive a copy of the Offer Document through the post. These will be posted on 30th and this should ensure all volunteers have a copy by the end of the week.
Tuesday was spent on GWR financial matters plus I met with a new volunteer who I think has some special skills that might help us. More as time goes on.
Yesterday I met with Friends of Winchcombe Station to discuss their resources, work needed and to gain their take on potential improvements to a now busy station.
The afternoon wasn't as pleasant since it was the annual meeting with our insurance broker to discuss the insurance renewal due 1st October. Every year we discuss claims in the year. new assets for cover, disposals, risk control and the level of cover for the various business activities. Not simple.
The news wasn't that good. We have had a poor claims record in recent years and the price of our increased activity feeds into premium levels. Two examples are the building site cover for Broadway and the increased volume of tickets sales this year which impact on business interruption cover and then onto public liability.
I await the final quote for submission to the Board but it looks as if it will be over £60,000 (for a year) for the first time. This compares with £35,000 four years ago and is another explanation to a regular question "where does the money go?"
Incidentally for those who think I either don't know or don't understand what's happening on the Railway I also met with Peter Muir who updated me on Property issues and the Operations Manager (a minimum weekly discussion) to be advised as to the operational and safety state of the Railway. I learnt for example of the continuing problem with goats on the line at Townsend Farm.
Whilst at Winchcombe I dropped in on the new building. The windows are now in and C&W are doing a magnificent internal painting job - see their Blog for pix
Finally, I think a word on the Broadway BAG upset might be appropriate. I have kept my head down since I might have to act as referee.
Can I make it clear that there is no criticism whatsoever of what BAG are doing and have achieved at the Station. Its frankly magnificent. The issue is about fund raising etc and who is responsible/approves what. Unfortunately words were exchanged (aren't e mails dangerous) and some deep offence taken. There is to be a meeting next week to hopefully repair the cracks and give BAG clearer guidance for the future.
The developments over the past few years are amazing. Thank you too for all the time you put into the railway. It is appreciated!
ReplyDeletePhilip Evans
It is very sad to learn that some people are behaving in this manner. The railway has overcome some very serious mishaps under your leadership and everyone should be proud of what has been achieved. Please keep up the good work.