Monday 2 September 2013

A General Meeting of the Plc

We have to call a GM (General Meeting) of the shareholders of the Plc

This will be at 7.30pm on Monday 23rd September at Toddington. Agendas are being posted today

The reason is that an error (dating back many years we sense) has been identified in the shares management procedure of the Plc

Whilst shareholders have  authorised a share capital ceiling of £3 million, there has been no  approval for the directors to allot (issue) shares

This is a technicality but an important one that we must clear and demonstrate to the CPA before we can proceed with the new share offer "Bridges to Broadway" planned for launch on 30th September

All will be clear when you see the proposed resolutions in the agenda

This is important but I recognise its short notice and an evening. If you are a shareholder and cant make it, please complete and return the proxy vote paper that will be with the agenda

If you have concerns please contact me one way or another.

The Board looks for your support in this matter


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