Saturday, 31 August 2013


At last evening's Board the Commercial Director reported on the need to improve facilities at Winchcombe Station  in the light of the increasing off train use of the station

He illustrated school based activities which have increased from 8 school visits in 2010 to 47 this year. With so many children,  the limited W toilet facilities present a significant problem as they do for Beer festivals, Thomas etc

We also discussed the desirability of an information centre and more permanent cover for activity on platform 2

The Board has decided, subject to consultation and involvement of all relevant parties,  to draw up two schemes:

The first to extend or build separate additional toilets on Platform 1

The second to broadly double the size of the Platform 2 waiting room

A project and design group is to be chaired by Alan Bielby Projects Director and an early task will be to talk to planners

On finance once viability and cost has been established,  the idea is to approach GWRT for a grant from the Tim Mitchell legacy



  1. Would new toilets on P2 be possible? a lot of School and Thomas activity takes place on P2

  2. How about converting a wagon, or a coach, into a mobile toilet facility. That way you could move to where it was needed. Either plumb it in, or design it like a mobile Portaloo, with onboard water and waste storage. Once the event is over, shunt it to a facility where you can dispose of the waste safely.

