Friday 25 August 2017

Update on commercial activities

Passenger numbers to the end of July were just a little up on 2016 which was to be expected following last year's big increase and the odd weather we had this July. August is looking good with record Saturdays. The real ale weekend achieved such a record of over 1000 visitors on the Saturday.

Planning for 2018 continues of course with lots of positive discussions taking place with businesses in Broadway

The 2018 timetable is now at the second proof stage. This has been a major exercise taking into account Hayles Abbey Halt and Broadway and of course the complete change in train times. We all recognise that next year's timetable isn't going to be perfect as we have to consider not just the anticipated growth in passenger numbers but also limitations imposed upon us by the length of the line and working day, the need for lunch breaks, the demands being imposed on each operating department etc. etc. It will probably take about 3 years to get the ideal timetable in place. The detailed timetables are on HOPS and hopefully the printed timetable will be available in November.

And if you get a chance, have a look at Tripadvisor

Colin Fewell

1 comment:

  1. All good. Interested in the discussions with Broadway businesses..... lots of opportunities
