Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Plc Directors IOSH Safety Management Course

Our Safety Manager Chris Webb proposed in December, that it would be appropriate for all Plc directors to attend an IOSH (Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) management training course. This would confirm and enhance our continuing commitment to the promotion of safe working practices on the railway.

We are extremely fortunate that Chris Webb is accredited to deliver such courses, and was both willing and able to do so. Thus, on 11th February Plc directors, together with three GWRT directors, and our Operations and Development managers attended the course.

The course lasted all day, and was extremely wide ranging and informative. It gave us all a new and better insight into what the law requires of us, and how we should apply it to our railway. Plans are now afoot for the lessons learned to be disseminated, and developed with Heads of Departments.

The course really emphasised that safe working practices on our railway are the responsibility of all of us, and not just something for directors or our safety manger to be concerned about. Any working volunteer who sees another doing something which is potentially unsafe has a duty to seek to stop it, and seek help from his departmental head to ensure that it does not reoccur.

At the end of the course there was a written examination, and we have been pleased and relieved to hear that we all passed. Thanks are due to Chris Webb for promoting and delivering the course.

Richard Johnson
Company Secretary
16th February 2016

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